Friday, June 17, 2011

Coffee Filter Wreath

I was looking for an idea to jazz up our front door a little when I came across this great wreath that I saw on the blog the little brown house; I absolutely fell in love with the idea of using coffee filters. There area a few differences between some of the material used  on her blog and the one I put together, but the results are still the same...........beautiful. Although I don't drink coffee, I already had white coffee filters in the kitchen cabinet so the only thing I had to buy for the project was the wreath. 
I twisted the bottom of the filter and then hot glued it to the wreath. I wasn't quite sure how it would turn out because at first the filters were laying flat against each other. Once I glued all the filters that I thought I needed, front and back, and fluffed them up it looked much better. I cut a piece of ribbon and hot glued it to the back of the wreath, for support. This is how it first turned out.
I added color by spray painting the wreath a light green color and got the result you see here.

Supplies: Coffee filters, glue sticks, glue gun, wreath, ribbon and spray paint
Level of difficulty: Easy

Happy Father's day to all the great Dads!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I love a good deal and in many garden centers you can find some good deals. With so many flowers now in bloom the garden centers are bursting at the seams and there are clearance, yes clearance plants just waiting for a home. If you're able to spend a little time to nurse a plant  back to health then you'll be able to add beauty to your garden for just a few dollars.  I usually check out the plants on Monday - Thursday and find racks of plants on clearance; there are many plants leftover from the weekend when the store expects to have more foot traffic. I have bought a six pack of Begonias for $.50 and a medium sized pot with Hibiscus for only $2.00. My recent find was the beautiful Penta, I love the color. This plant is an annual in some states and survive as a perennial in other parts of the United States; it loves the sun but can tolerate some shade.

I nearly walked past this plant, as I loaded the shopping cart with a flat (18 count) of Marigolds for $2.00. An entire flat (18 count) of the Pentas, every plant looked healthy and thriving on sale in the clearance rack for $5.00. These beautiful pink flowers are gonna be right at home in the front yard to add a little curb appeal. So on your next visit, see what hidden treasures you can find on the clearance racks, their beauty may surprise you.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Huge, Huge Yard Sale

First Baptist Church over in Decatur, GA is having a huge yard sale, Thurs 6/9/11 -  Sat 6/11/11; it's in it's 16th year. The proceeds from the sales will aid the youth ministry of the church so they can participate in mission trips this summer. I was on the hunt for one thing, you know what happens when you set out to buy just one thing... exactly. I walked away with a box full of things as well as two large picture frames under my arm, all for $22. There were so many things laid out and I was told that there was even more things stored inside the church that would go out to fill the empty spots as shoppers continued to find deals. This was my first year attending, but it definitely won't be the last.

Those are pianos back there for sale

This is a mug, should I really call it a mug??
For only $4.o0 and the size of a baby,
I just had to take a picture

Here are a few of the things that I purchased....remember I went for one thing, the lamp was that thing:
I have great plans for this lamp!



This was my greatest find. I've been looking for a
garden globe for years but I wasn't drawn by the
prices, but this one just called my name and I
quickly answered.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Gettin' Rid of the Bugs

This year I bought a Citronella plant(also known as a Mosquito plant) at a local garden center, I heard that it was a good plant to ward off bugs, so I wanted to try it out. After a quick spray paint of lime green paint on the flower pot I planted the Citronella plant and put it on our front porch. The plant smells great and works well in the shade.
While working in the yard one evening, I noticed a few bugs flying around me, so I picked off a leaf of the plant and rubbed in on my legs, arms and neck. I didn't realize it at the time, but after I was done working, I noticed that there weren't any bugs around me and I didn't get bitten...I was pleasantly surprised. And at night there aren't a lot of bugs flying around the light fixtures on the porch, compared to years past.    
Since I bought the plant it has nearly doubled in size, which is great, but I'm not sure if I planted it in a big enough pot, I'll have to wait and see. I read somewhere that this plant is easy to catch roots from a cutting, so I'm testing that now.
I hope that this plant can work well in the house during the cooler months of the year so that I don't have to buy new plants every year. I just love it. If I added another plant on the other side of the porch a few plants in the yard, it would not only be fragrant but a great deterrent for those flying critters.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Decorative Ball- Shell

Christmas ornament and Pistachio nuts
I was in a big box store recently and window shopped in the home decorating section and came across some decorative balls. One of them caught my eye and then the idea popped in my head for me to try to make a decorative ball. This was my second attempt, the first ball was made of moss and this one...oh it's just nuts. 


Glued nuts around ornament


Spray painted with glossy paint

Supplies: Christmas ornament, pistachio nuts, glue sticks and glue gun
Level of Difficulty: Easy

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