Wednesday, February 24, 2016

DIY Lucite Tray

This was such a simple and cool idea, I first saw on the site Aunt Peaches, that I had to try it. When I realized that an inexpensive picture frame could be turned into a touch of luxury, I went on the hunt. I found a frame, I think the size is 8 x 14, for only $0.99 at the Goodwill and bought a few things from the craft store to change a picture frame to a lucite tray. I couldn't decide whether to use the draw liner or the contact paper, they were both so cute. Having all the components to create a simple vanity tray I was ready to begin.

1. Remove cardboard from inside the picture frame

2. Cut draw liner to size
3. Add contrast color (black felt) then cut out letter or shape
4. Adhere letter to felt 
5. Cut "bling" to size and hot glue to felt (hot glue felt to draw liner to make it secure)

Viola! The project is complete.

NOTE: I didn't take a picture of the picture frame on the front side, what you see is the cardboard filling on the back

Time: Less than 30 minutes (cut, assemble and clean up)
Level of difficulty: Easy